Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Yay! It's Thanksgiving Eve!

I think the day before any holiday is much more fun than the actual holiday itself. Maybe not secondary holidays, like Columbus Day and Presidents Day, but the Big ones, like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. When I was little I HATED the days before holidays, but I was young and impatient. Now I'm older, wiser, and more patient. Or at least I can drink more. No, really, I think it's because when I was little I didn't have anything to do with the preparations for the holiday, so the only event was that day. But now all the fun is leading up to that day when I'm helping get stuff ready (and by helping I mean sitting at the table or chopping block with a glass of wine, watching someone else do something productive). Thanksgiving will still be fun, but I always feel a little sad, because I know that by the time the whole family shows up, it's almost over. All the time we spent make the food is the real holiday. The dinner is just like the finale. Plus, until recently we all lived together and I never got to appreciate time off of work or school when we'd get to spend extra time together. I can't wait for tonight, when everyone's coming home to stay here for the night. We're going to finish everything for dinner tomorrow and watch Elf. And I think Dad said something about some wine he had...

It's the same way with Christmas. I love Christmas morning and day. I love getting stuff, I love presents, and I love laying on the couch in my pajamas all day playing with my new stuff. But my favorite part of the holiday is the anticipation of the presents (oh, yeah, and something about giving to others and Baby Jesus...) I find it a little sad to go to bed on Christmas Eve because our party is already over, and I know as soon as I wake up I have about 1/2 hour of present excitement if I open REALLY slowly, and then it's over. It's the waiting that's the best part.

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