Saturday, November 27, 2004

I'm Afraid of Americans...

I have some VERY upsetting news. Well, VERY upsetting for me, anyway. My mom went to Fort Erie yesterday to get flu shots with my grandma's because they can't get any here in the States. So, after they all got the shots my mom said, "I hope we aren't taking shots away from a Canadian who needs it." The Canadian nurse said, "No, we have specific shots reserved just for Americans..." It turns out that the French had a lot of extra flu shots and offered them to us, but OUR DUMBASS GOVERNMENT said no, because they were French, so the French instead gave them to the Canadians for any Americans who ventured across the border to get flu shots. WHY MUST WE MAKE THE WHOLE WORLD HATE US?!?! I even hate Americans right now!

Ok, enough about that. Well, one more thing. We don't belong in Iraq. Even if we ARE fighting for their freedom, which we aren't, not every country wants to be America. We already have America Jr (HI CANADA), we don't need another one, why do we keep butting into other coutries? Yes, I know it's because of oil, but that doesn't make it right.

Ok, now, really, that's all. I'm done with my ranting.

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