Friday, November 19, 2004

"I'm usually random and I'm rarely right"

As you probably all know, based on the high quality of my previous posts, I spend a lot of time thinking about what I'm going to write in this blog each night. You know what it's taught me so far (besides takes a lot of responsibility to keep a blog alive...)? That I have a lot of random thoughts that amount to nothing during the day. Take today for example. When I woke up 17 hours ago, I started thinking about my blog. I checked to see if anyone had left any comments (no one had, so I changed the settings so that ANYONE can leave one, even if you don't have your own blog), and then I got ready for work. It was still early (the sun wasn't even up, yet), so I didn't think much. But every though I did have (like, "mmmm, coffee" and "did I already brush my teeth?") were briefly considered as topics for tonight's entry. The Simple Plan CD, which I listened to while sitting on in traffic on my way to work, supplied a lot of ideas. One song is called "I'm Just a Kid." Am I just a kid? When do I stop being a kid? When I can support myself? When I get married? When I have my own kids? In another song they sing "I'm trying to forget that I'm addicted to you. But I want it and I need it I'm addicted to you." This made me think about coffee again. Then I saw the Mobile Library. Remember that big truck that used to come and park at the primary school and you got onto it and checked out books? I loved Mobile Library days. They were always so exciting. But, can you really write a whole blog on the mobile library? Maybe when you're in 1st grade and a blog is only expected to be 3 sentences long, but, as a college graduate, I hold myself to higher standards (even if I did go to a Canadian college...). I realized that EVERY Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I drive by the Mobile Library on my way to work. That got me wondering how many other cars I pass every day. I started paying attention to the other cars on the road (probably a good thing to do), and I recognized a few of them (one I knew I had seen before because it was a beat up piece of shit with old police lights on top of many cars like that are there? The rest were probably just popular models.)

By the time I got to work I had come up with, and then dismissed, about a hundred different blog subjects. I could take the stance that I just have a lot happening in my life, and can't decide on one thing to write about...yeah, I think I'll do that. So, that's why I spend all day thinking about this blog. It's not because I have no life, or because I'm addicted, or because I have so many random, yet completely useless,'s because I have so much going on I have to take that much time to decide what to write about. Really. Believe me.

Tomorrow night I'm going to visit Amelia, so I probably won't write, but, don't worry, I'll be back with more useless information and pointless ramblings on Sunday.

1 comment:

Mike Garvey said...

I'm glad you switched it so that anyone can comment - I tried to leave a note on your Mary post when I was at school, but it wouldn't recognize my pda. hey, wanna hang out this week??? I hear we're having a turkey or 5.