Saturday, March 05, 2005

I'm smarter than "They"

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, I disagree. Not totally, I guess. I can see how the saying is true. After a few days I even start to miss work, kinda...almost. I guess because people tend to forget (or block out) all the bad stuff. It's why people have more than one kid, or go to the dentist every 6 months (actually, I like my dentist and would go more often if I could). But, I think the worst thing in the whole world is watching someone you love leave, followed closely by leaving someone you love. I mean, even if they're just leaving for a little while and you know you'll see them again soon the first seconds after they leave are so empty, I find it's hard to do anything. Until I can get my music playing or the TV on and get back into whatever I have to do that day (laundry, cleaning my kitchen, napping, whatever) I'm really sad. But then, after a few minutes, I usually forget how sad I was and can function normally. So, in this case, absence makes the heart grow less fond. Ok, so the time frame we're talking about in my case is, like, minutes, and I'm guessing that the people who came up with this saying meant days or weeks or even years. But, still...I wonder if "They" ever thought about this, or if I'm smarter than "They"...or maybe I just have too much time on my hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't have to be so sad when I went on vacation, I came back :)