Sunday, March 06, 2005

5 Questions

Mike stole an idea from somewhere and had someone as him 5 questions which he answered on The Royal Toybox. He then proposed that anyone who wanted to play his game could leave a comment and he would write back with 5 questions for them to answer on their blog. Here are my 5 questions from Mike:

Dear Cecilia:1. if you could be reincarnated as any animal, what would it be? 2. if you chose "housecat", to whom would you belong?3. what was your favorite age? which was your favorite grade?4. you have received wondrous praise from someone special. who is it, and what did you do to deserve said accolades?5. what is one thing about you that you have never admitted on The Short Bus?

So, I'll answer them. And then anyone who wants to can leave a comment asking me for 5 new questions, and I'll come up with some for you to answer in your blog.

1. If I could be any animal it would be a turtle. They carry their house around with them and when they're sick of people they just go inside. No one thinks they're antisocial...
2. If I were a cat I would want to belong to someone with no kids (an no hopes of having kids) who could lavish all their attention on me. And not some crazy cat lady. I want to be the only cat in my owner's life.
3. Looking back I don't see why I didn't like Kindergarten more, but I seem to remember crying every day when I got there...I guess my freshman year in college was my favorite grade. No one expects you to do well, and there's all that free favorite age would be now, 6-years-old.
4. I would like to be praised by God for being a good person...since that probably won't happen, I'll just be happy that mom noticed I did the dishes tonight. thing I've never admitted here? Well, I have a's actually Scott's fault because he put the link to the
FEMA Kids Page in his blog, and they have online coloring there. It's so addictive! I can't stop. I even signed up for a membership at


Mike Garvey said...

yay! you win for being the first to answer all five questions!

Cecilia said...

Ok Raissa, here are your questions:

1. If you could be any other person, from any point in history, for one day, who would you be and why?

2. If you saw yourself at a bar, would you hit on yourself? If not, how many drinks would you need before you did?

3. Mr. Pong just gave you unlimited free food for one night. What would you get first? Second?

4. You're caught running with scissors and your punishment is to live for 1 full year in a 3rd world country of your choice among the poor people. Where would you chose? Why?

5. You find a miracle cure for all kinds of cancer and can now either sell what you know to the highest bidder and make more money than God or make it common knowledge and make no money. By you making money, fewer people will be able to afford the cure and more will therefore die. What would you do?