Friday, March 23, 2007


Oh My...Leah made marshmallows with her three little boys. She is my hero.

Wanna know what I remember from marshmallow day at FCI? Sitting in the bathroom. Crying. Because I can't make marshmallows. And I was working with a grown-up (ish) boy, who also wanted to make marshmallows (he did not end up crying in the bathroom, though.)

Seriously. All of my attempts turned into a soupy, sticky, mess. Gross.

And I burned myself in the process.

Hopefully oral surgery will be better to me.


Scott said...

Fudge. You need to teach her to make fudge.


Leah said...

Please know that I didn't make marshmallows "with three boys". I tried to make marshmallows and happen to "own three boys". They were less than interested and unimpressed with the results.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but your caramel.....heavenly!! ma