So every week Amy and I get little bags with neighborhood circulars, coupons, and menus slipped into the handle of our front door. Because we technically live in North Buffalo, but right on the border with Kenmore, we get packages from both communities. The first few weeks I was so excited! Mail! Not addressed to Amy! I'd go through the bag, read everything in it, and then throw it all out. Eventually I skipped the reading part and just threw it all out on my way into the house.
But last week I opened one and saw that we had gotten a menu for a Chinese food place. Since we don't have a chinese food place yet, I kept the menu and we decided to try it out on Sautrday. So I called them.
Chinese food man: Tin tin Kitchen
Me: Hi do you deliver?
CFM: Where to?
Me: My house (I actually gave them my address...)
CFM: Call back in half an hour and we will. *hangs up.*
So I called back, and was told they were technically delivering, but it would be over an hour. Fine, bring me some food.
It was good. I'd definitely order from them again. Amy finished before I did and opened her cookie. Her fortune was something about how great her life is or whatever. Mine?
"You are about to become $8.95 poorer. ($6.95 if you had the buffet)"
Yesterday after seeing Shakira we went out for lunch. Chinese food. It was wonderful. And my fortune was a little less of a glimps into my future, and more of a warning, as they sometimes are.
"Don't spit into the wind."
Those fortune cookie people are so smart.