Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Use it or lose it..

So, remember when I was a pastry chef? Not that long, last year. Yeah, I worked for that really nice restaurant, remember? They didn't let me do too much...I did a lot of catering, so mostly cookies and brownies and cakes and stuff. not the fun a la carte dessert stuff. But, I made a shitload of cookies and brownies. You'd think I'd remember how...

Amy's told me once or twice (or a few thousand times) that her favorite kind of cookie is chocolate chip without the chocolate chips. Easy, huh? I mean, I'd make chocolate chip cookie dough every day that started with 4 pounds of butter. I know how to make chocolate chip cookies. So, tonight, after I made chicken tetrazzini for dinner, I decided to make Amy some cookies.

The first batch looked OK. The dough was a little soft, but I had used 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter,' so I expected it to be soft. You can't use 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' to make cookies. They melt. And then burn.

Ok, so I had a feeling that wouldn't work. But, it only took me about 10 minutes to make the dough (remember the pastry chef thing? I got good at making it really really fast) so I decided I'd make it again with some real butter that wasn't soft. The butter was fine. I let Amy measure everything and sift the flour, but I watched to make sure it was all measured right. The dough was perfect. The oven was set right. The cookies looked perfect. But something alcohol. I wasn't drinking (I'm still not drinking), and neither was Amy. But Amy used vanilla extract that she had bought years ago. So I tasted the dought. It was OK at first, but then there was a definite nasty alcohol taste.

I was going to give it one more try. And then decided not to. I'll go buy cookies from Mrs. Fields tomorrow.

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