Thursday, October 12, 2006

(Coffee + Chemistry) X 10^23 makes me puke.

You know what I hate about studying for exams? Everything. But, mostly, it lacks good blogging material. I could tell you all about Avogadro's number (which makes me want guacamole), or how every time I have to do any sort of math with scientific notation I cry, or how I just realized that all I've had today is coffee, and lots of it, so maybe that's why I feel like puking (I'm blaming that feeling on the chemistry, though), but, really, that's not funny. Or exciting. Although Toby
thinks it is:

See how enthralled he looks?

Instead, I'll ask you all to pray that it snows SO MUCH tonight that UB is closed all day tomorrow. Or at least until after 5. When I have my chem exam.


Anonymous said...

you already used this picture of tobin.

Cecilia said...

actually, I didn't...he just sits there a lot.