Monday, December 31, 2007
Quick update
Tonight I have big New Years Eve plans of sitting on my couch, watching John and Kate Plus 8, and having a few beers before I go to bed at 12:01 so I can get some sleep before I start tailgating for the Ice Bowl tomorrow! I cannot wait for this game. The Sabres better win...but, even if they don't, I'll have pictures. Which I'll upload sometime this week, along with some Christmas pictures!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Adelaide Celia
Until then, enjoy this: now that I have 4 nieces and nephews, I can make the cutest elves.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I was really nervous. I hadn't been worried about my other exams. I very rarely get worried about exams. I stress, and I study, but once I get in there, I take it and I'm done. As the minutes tick away closer to exam time I don't get scared or shake, my stomach doesn't get upset. But I really wanted to do well on this exam. I wanted to do better than my professor expected. I woke up nervous. And it got worse the closer to exam time it got. My hands were shaking, I felt sick, I wanted to was not fun.
And I got in there, and I was so tired, and so sick of chemistry, and my head hurt, and my back hurt from bending over in those stupid little desks, and I just didn't care for a second. I just wanted to go home. I couldn't remember how to get the density of until cells, or the percent yield of Hydrogen gas from an equation. Things I had done 8 million times just this morning!
But I did it, and I finished, and I think I did OK. Probably not better than my professor expected, but, not worse, either. And really? I'm OK with that.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The worst part
For Anatomy I have 2 finals (lab and lecture.) Each final is 85 questions, and the questions are taken from the exams and quizzes we've had throughout the semester. Which means that I have 10 quizzes (at an average of 4 pages each) and 5 exams (at an average of 8 pages each) plus 2 packages of 3X5 cards. For Bio I had 10 quizzes (3 pages each) plus 17 internet quizzes, 30 pages of outlines I made from my notes and the book, 4 scan-tron sheets from the exams taken during the semester, 4 or 5 packages of 3X5 cards, and about 40 pages of loose-leaf paper to write stuff down on, do problems on, etc. while I was re-taking quizzes. I'm getting ready to start studing for Chem. I feel bad just throwing out all of this stuff from the exams i've already taken, but, really, I don't want to look at it anymore. And I don't want to take the time to separate it all into piles (Bio vs. Anatomy, quizzes vs. exams vs. outlines, etc.) So instead of doing anything with any of it, I take it all out of my bag, and pile everything up on the futon in my office. The futon is a fire hazard right now.
On a totally unrelated note, you know the iPhone? How everybody who has one loves it? Well, I love mine, I do, even though I'm on my THIRD ONE! Seriously. The first one I got was great until the space bad on the text messaging stopped working. That's kinda important. So I took it into the Apple Store and they said that, although they had never actually seen it, this was possible (obviously) because the phone is run on an operating system just like a computer is, so if the operating system stops working right, the phone stops working right. They gave me a brand new phone and I left. Well, notexactly like that...I had to go home first, empty my pictures and contacts on the Amy's computer (because at the time I didn't have a computer,) then go back to the mall and get the new phone. Then with the new phone I had to re-set up my voicemail, email, favorite places, etc.
Yesterday my study partner asked to use my phone, so I gave it to her. After a minute she asked how to dial the zero. So I said press it. But it didn't work. And I couldn't get it to work. So after my exam I emptied my phone onto my computer, and then went to the Apple store. I told them that this was already my second phone, and the guy was amazed. He had only seen this problem once (uh, yeah, that was me...) and never heard of anyone having the bad luck of having thier bad phone being replaced with a bad phone. So I have a new phone, with a new, updated system. At least Apple is good about just giving me new phones.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
My Own Personal NaBloPoMo...
Anyway, I'm not in the library. I'm outside the library. Because it is 9:05 am, and the library doesn't open until 10:00 am. Why doesn't the library open until 10? Probably because this is COLLEGE. And in the real world: college edition, people went out last night. There was a happy hour that started at 9 pm! At 9 pm I was going home. It was late. I was asleep by 9:30! Which is why I had to DVR Monk and Psych, and why I'm up now, ready to study. In my day, we didn't have bars that were open until 4 am, and we got up early to study, and we walked through snow and ice and wind to get to the library! (Haha, that's partly true...the bars in Canada are only open until 2, and we didn't have fun tunnels to walk through, to get to different buildings from the one you were in, so if you went to the library, you did walk through snow and ice and wind...but I don't know anyone who actually did go to the library...)
Ok, anyway, last night I went to Wegmans, which is normally a nice experience. I was out of one of my prescriptions, and had called in the refill on Wednesday. I knew there'd be a problem calling it in, because there weren't any refills left on the bottle, but my doctor prescribes me 2 drugs, A and B. I ran out of B a long time (like 2 weeks) ago, so she send in refills for both A and B. Now I wanted A refilled, so I call Wegmans and can only get the automated thing, which says I don't have any refills, they'll call my dr., come in Friday it should be ready. So I went in yesterday to get it. Nope, nothing filled for me. So I explain the above to the guy, who looks at me like I have to heads and says, "I don't get it." Then he looks at the computer and and says, "Oh, yeah, your doctor did fax us a refill for A two weeks ago, and on Wed. Do you want one of thoes filled?" I said yes. He said it would be 1/2 an hour. I said I didn't want to wait, but I'd be back when they opened this morning. This is our conversations after that:
Me:What time do you open tomorrow?
Him: well, I get here at 8, so probably about 9 or 9:30.
Me: Um, Ok...Oh, there's a sign. You open at 8:30. I'll be here at 8:30. I'll pick it up then. Can you have it ready by then?
Him: Yep. Which one do you want?
Me: Drug A
Him: But there are two precription refills for it.
Me: Are they exactly the same?
Him: let's see...2 weeks ago it was for this much this many times a day, Wednesday was...yep, exactly the same!
Me: then I don't care.
Him: So I can fill either one?
Me: Yes, as long as it's ready for me to get at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
Him: You don't care if I fill the one from 2 weeks ago or the one from Wednesday?
Me: No, they're the exact same thing...
Him: Ok, let's do I do this...
But it was. I went in this morning and the guy was there and he said "Oh! You were here last night! But I don't remember your name." So I told him, got my drugs, paid, and left. As I was pulling out of Wegmans, I realized I had also called in a refill for something from another doctor that DID have refills left, but, since I can also get it OTC, I figured I'd let it slide.
Friday, December 07, 2007
One Down, 3 to Go
I had my first final exam last night. Anatomy and Physiology Lab. I was all ready for it to last all three hours. It started at 6. At 6:10 I finished question 85 and went back to look for any questions I missed or skipped over because I wasn't sure. There was 1. It was a fill in the blank.
"A heart rate of over 100 bpm is ______."
So I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out a word for "heart beating too fast." See! Free rice DID come in useful! I went through the Latin - Then through all the diseases I remembered from people when I worked with dad - allergy to penicillin? Nope. Finally, after spending more time on this question than on the rest of this test, I wrote:
"normal, if you're exercising."
It's true, right? Besides, since the exam is only out of 80 and there were 85 questions I can get 5 wrong and still get a 100%.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Anyway, I'm about to die I'm so tired. I was up way too late studying (seriously studying...I only played free rice for a little bit) for my anatomy lab final that's today. That would mean a lot of wasted effort put into this semester if I died of lack of sleep right before exams...Maybe I'll go get some coffee. And then read the chem chapter.
Mary -- yes, playing free rice does count as studying for the gre's. Not so much for chemistry, but I did count it as studying for anatomy because I used the Latin roots of the words to figure out what they mean, which is also how I figure out a lot of the anatomy vocab. It only works about 50% of the time...maybe because I don't know Latin.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I'm handling all this stress remarkable well, if you ask me. Wanna know how?
Free Rice. It's the best possible way to waste time EVER! I learn words I'll never use and forget about school for a while (well, hours, really), and starving people get grains of rice...Perfect!
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Dear Ethyl
Amy and I went to the Ford place today to test drive some cars. I had narrowed it down to a few cars that I wanted, and of the ones I wanted the Escape was the one with the best lease deals. The CR-V, the car I really really wanted, isn't available for lease, apparently. And, really, the way I drive, no car will last longer than 3 years :)
So, we went to test drive. I woke up scared this morning. I was already thinking about driving a car that didn't belong to someone who has to love me unconditionally (or, at least love me.) I spent all day thinking about it. So I decided Amy could test drive it and tell me how she liked it. She didn't think that was such a good idea. But I made her pull out onto Southwestern Blvd. and into the Ambulatory Care Place, so I only had to take right hand turns in the un-paid-for-car that didn't belong to anyone who has to love me. It was still stressful. Because I had to park this car. But I did it, without hitting anything. Yay me!
Anyway, I went in and said yes, I want it, the cheapest one with 4WD and no I don't really care about a moon roof. But, those people at Ford...they can sell stuff.
I have a moon roof. I'm not sure how. Except it, apparently, is free. It was the satellite radio, (something that I'm already paying for, which is all hooked up in Ethyl,) that was the expensive part of that package. Don't ask me why they're packaged together, or how I ended up with said package, but, apparently, I did. Amy assures me it's OK, that she wants my Sirius anyway, so it all works out, even better actually because I get Sirius for free for 6 months in my new car now, so, whatever, but, I was confused.
Then, I wanted Pearl Black. I really liked the Pearl Black. Mostly because it's Pearl (which in my mind is white), but it's black (which in my mind I ended up with silver. I guess if you mix Pearl and Black together, you get silver, so it all works out, right? Side note here -- until very recently, I always thought that you decided on all of the stuff you wanted and they made your car, then you went and got it...I mean, that's why it took so long for you to pick it up, right? So, if I want pearl black and they don't have my package in pearl black, they just make it, right? No, apparently it doesn't work that way. I get silver, or I pay more. I got silver.
So, they asked if I had a car to trade in. I laughed (sorry Ethyl.) Kelley Blue Book said Ethyl was worth (being very, very, I lied and said she was in good condition) $800. I figured we'd get about $300, but, it'd be about a payment, so, great, right? The guy took it to get it appraised, came back and said, "it's worth more than I'd give you for it." Well, gee, thanks, I guess. Ethyl is worth $600 to Ford! Ridiculous! I should keep her! Or...not.
So after I got all of my packages worked out it was time to go to the credit woman. I was worried, honestly. I don't have a credit card. I don't have a mortgage. I pay a student loan, but that's it. I don't really have any credit. The last time I applied for any type of credit (a credit card) I wasn't approved because of a mortgage in 1992 or something, when I was 11. I was pretty sure Amy was going to have to co-sign. The credit woman was kind of amazed that I didn't have a credit card, but she took all of my information, took some blood, did a DNA test, checked my urine (ok, that may be a slight exaggeration...)...and I was approved almost immediately. Weird, huh?
The credit woman is also in charge of selling the warrenty-type packages. The first one she told us about I was like, "Uh, no, thanks." But then I listened to what she said. And to what Amy said. And it made sense. I mean, I need oil changes, right? Why not pay for them monthly? I'm sure there's other stuff in there anything that goes wrong with the car other than if I run it into something...they fix it. And free windshield wipers and wiper fluid whenever I need it, and all of that stuff. So, I said OK. Then everything she said sounded good. Tire protection? Well, I have gotten a flat tire before. Road salt protection? Hey, I live in Buffalo! Acid rain protection? Of course! Haven't you seen An Inconvient Truth? Ok, so, I didn't actually get any of these packages (the crazy ones...I did get the wiper and fluid one...because I like clean windshields.) But I was tempted. Thank God for Amy...for so many reasons, but, today, for convincing me my new car won't melt in acid rain.
So, I leased it today. Well, I picked it out and test drove and whatnot today. I pick it up Monday. If, that is, I can find the title to Ethyl...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
For Christmas I want a car alarm...attached to a new car.
Before we left I joked, "let's take my car...maybe someone will steal it and I can get a new one."
We parked on Elmwood just south of Chippewa. There were lots of cars on the street and we've parked there before. It was well lit and fairly well populated - and not by scary people, normal-looking people. When we were getting out of the car I grabbed the portable part of my Sirius radio for some reason. I normally don't, but I put it in my purse.
After one of the best cocoa puff milkshakes I've ever had (ok, the ONLY cocoa puff milkshake I've ever had, but, really, it was awesome), and some really great conversation, we left.
My front passenger-side window was smashed. The stereo was gone (with my new Plain White T's cd in it.) My iPod was gone. The full can of diet coke that I had to drink on the drive home was gone (well, at least emptied onto my backseat.) Amy scraped the glass off the front seat and I called my dad. We decided there was no point in reporting it...I've had this happen before and it just takes time - waiting for the police to show up, waiting for them to do paper work, etc - and there's not much they can do. Amy and I spent the drive home telling each other that it could have been worse. We could have been in the car, they could have taken my Sirius attachment instead of just pulling it off so it needed to be re-attached, and stealing the remote control for it (really...they took the remote control for it, but no other part.) They could have taken my cds (although, as Esther pointed out, no one likes Melissa Ethridge anymore now than they did last year when all my stuff, except my cds, was taken out of my car.) They could have taken the whole car. I could have not just put the new cd into the cd player, and they could have taken the cd Mike made me (the sister mix) that I had been listening to up until just the other day. There are a million and two ways it could have been worse. Sitting on the glass stuck in the seat for the few minutes it took to get home wasn't so bad.
I spent today getting the window replaced, getting a new stereo installed, and cleaning out the car. I found the full can of diet coke, so I don't know what was poured on the backseat. Most likely one of the other cans of diet coke in the car, but, I sprayed a lot of lysol in there...just in case it's not diet coke...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Catching Up
I missed Lou's birthday.

Despite how it looks in the pictures, we didn't actually spend the entire time we were with them on the couches...and I was reading to Julia right before that picture. Amy and Maeve? I think they were watching Jimmy Neutron.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Happy In The Nursery!*

Thursday, June 14, 2007
New Name

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
I didn't know they liked American Idol so much...
With this baby (let's call him Jesus -- the latino version, not the Son of God version -- for now), I wasn't positive. But as the pregnancy went on I became pretty sure it was a boy. I've stuck with that, just because Esther's pregnancy has been different that her pregnancy with Julia. But lately I've been having dreams that Jesus is a girl.
Most of them are just John saying, "It's a girl!" But the other night I had a crazy dream. In real life I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and realized that I had left my phone in my pants pocket, so I must have been worried about that, because in my dream I was sitting on my bed with Mary. I heard my phone vibrate signaling that I had a message, so I reached over to my table to get it, but next to it were Mike, Lisa, and Mary's (sidenote: Mary needs a blog) phones. I couldn't get the text message from John (sidenote: has a blog, but never writes on it), to open on my phone so all I could see was the part that was flashing on my screen. It said, " She went in." So I picked up Mike's phone. I could see the messages he and John were sending back and forth, and then hear their conversations (weird, I know, since I had his phone), and I heard Mike say, "You took her to the hospital?"
John said, "Yeah, she had the baby. It's a girl." I had to ask Mike to ask about the name, size, etc. John said the name was Mone.
Mike said, "You mean Mona?"
John said, "No, Mone. M-O-N-E. Like Simone, after Simon from American Idol."
Then I woke up. I'm kinda hoping Jesus is a boy.
Sunday, May 27, 2007

We spent a lot of time shopping, but I don't have any pictures of that. And we walked around the city, went to Navy Pier, but our camera battery was dead by then because before that we went to the aquarium. It was SO cool. I'm only going to post a few pictures because we have over 100, but we couldn't use our flash so a lot of them are only recongnizable by us...This is the REALLY BIG fish outside with his crazyman dancing partner.
Haha, the turtle were doin' it...we took a lot of pictures of that...

I think these frogs thought they were hiding...
There was a HUGE shark tank that was really cool, until I realized it was leaking...then I didn't like it so much.