Sunday, January 08, 2006

So, one day last week I woke up early. At 4 am. I had to be at Sister's Hospital at 6 am, therefore I had to be up at 4. I got dressed and walked out to my car, expecting it to be in one piece and everything that I had left in it to still be there, because that's what normally happens. Well, I opened the drivers door and there were papers all over the seat. I thought to myself, "Hm...I know my car was messy, but I thought I at least kept the drivers seat cleaned off." Then I realized that my boots were gone. And the stereo. And the back window was smashed. On the way to the hospital I realized that my datebook was also gone, and my checkbook was in it. Not good.

Well, I made it to the hospital, and had my galbladder and appendex removed. It was actually a very enjoyable process. I enjoy anesthesia, and really like demerol. I also am slightly addicted to apple juice, which is about the only injestable food item that was offered to me during my 28-hour stay. Since I got home I'm recovering nicely. I've been in some pain, but, really, I expected it. I mean, I had 2 organs removed. And 4 holes cut in my stomach, through skin and muscle and and other stuff that's in there. I'm still a little sore and can't lift some heavy stuff but otherwise I"m fine.

So, back to my car story. I was mostly upset because my favorite cd was in the stereo. The person who broke into my car didn't steal any of my other cds, so I know he didn't really want the Melissa Ethridge cd in the stereo, it was just a mistake. He didn't mean to take it. Well, a few days later I was walking out the door and flipped through my cd book to find something to listen to on the way to work. Imagine my surprise when I found my favorite Melissa Ethridge cd put away nicely in one of my cd books. I though, "what a nice thief," took the cd and went to work. The next day I went to the bank to close my account (since he had stolen my checks) and open a new one. THe teller gave me a list of the recent activity on the account I was closing and there was and $80 deposit made with one of my deposit slips that I didn't make. I said to the teller, "I didn't make that deposit" and he said, "well someone with your deposit slips must have. Do you want me to take the money out?" I, of course, said, "well, no." The dumbest (or nicest maybe...) thief in the world broke into my car.

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