Thursday, December 06, 2007


My freerice.come addiction was becoming too much, so I'm in the chem library to study for a chem quiz that's later today. I figured that working here where there are fewer computers avaliable would force me to read the chapter and fill out my cheat-sheet (which is allowed.) Obviously, that hyopothesis failed miserably. But, really, what is science except for dissproving hypotheses all the time? At least, that's what I've learned in my labs...maybe I've been doing my labs wrong...

Anyway, I'm about to die I'm so tired. I was up way too late studying (seriously studying...I only played free rice for a little bit) for my anatomy lab final that's today. That would mean a lot of wasted effort put into this semester if I died of lack of sleep right before exams...Maybe I'll go get some coffee. And then read the chem chapter.

Mary -- yes, playing free rice does count as studying for the gre's. Not so much for chemistry, but I did count it as studying for anatomy because I used the Latin roots of the words to figure out what they mean, which is also how I figure out a lot of the anatomy vocab. It only works about 50% of the time...maybe because I don't know Latin.

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