Tuesday, March 11, 2008


1. What is your favorite word? What is your least favorite word?

Hm...this is tough.

My favorite word changes by the minute. Really, anything that's coming out of my mouth is my favorite word. I like to hear myself talk :) Currently I enjoy the words "class is canceled."

My least favorite words....well, there are a few, but I don't want to type them. They make me mad and feel sick.

2. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? What turns you off?

A clean room turns me on creatively. A clean kitchen (with full cabinets, cupboards, and refridgerator) makes me want to bake. A clean office makes me want to study (or blog...)

Dirty rooms don't necessarily turn me off creatively. Broken crayons do.

3. What sound or noise do you love? What sound or noise do you hate?

I love the sound of my phone ringing (because someone I love is calling me, not the BAC or someone I don't want to talk to), my nieces and nephew excited to see me, crickets at night in the summer, and the HSBC arena if it's packed and the Sabres are winning.

For hate? I hate the sound that wet shoes make when they squeek. Especially in a quiet hallway when you're about to walk into a packed classroom, the sound of the hygenist scraping my teeth, and my alarm clock since I somehow changed the station and now it just blares static into my ear very early in the morning.

4. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? What profession would you not like to do?

I am attempting to be a dentist, does that count? Another profession I think I would like someday is a restaurant reviewer. Wouldn't that be fun?

A profession I definitely do not want? I do not want to work at the DMV or as a professor. They seem miserable. Or Chuck E. Cheese. I wouldn't want that place to lose it's magic.

5. What is your favorite curse word?

Fuck fuckity fuck fuck.

6. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Wow, that was impressive.

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