Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I'm Telling!

Amy called the cops on the little kids that live on our street last night. Well, to be fair, the kids causing the problems (1) aren't little and (2) don't technically live on our street. They live on the corner. On the other street. The kids on our street are pretty good, normally. But last night a group of 5 of them (the not-so-little ones -about 12-14 years-old- who don't really live on our street), started causing trouble. They were threatening to beat up the little kids (really, this one kid, Miguel, is 5...they were threatening him) and riding this motorbike they have up and down the street, just missing parked cars and not moving out of the way for moving cars. I thought we should just let them get hit (I had been studying bio, so I was all about survival of the fittest...), but then the one kid took the helmet off of the other kid and threw it at MY car. At Ethyl. Now, Ethyl is old. She does not need to have helmets thrown at her. They had already thrown a can of starter fluid at our landlords car, so Amy called the cops. They never came. But she sat outside and waited for them until she heard the kid on the bike start saying "but what if the cops come?" So she called again. They showed up this time. They were in an unmarked car, so the kids were riding their bike down the street and straight at the cop car. Then the cops turned on their lights. It was kinda funny. The kids on the motorbike were escorted home. The cops confiscated the motorbike. Apparently they had been called a few times about this bike.

The best thing about last night? The 4 big kids from not-on-our-street were all right near the car when the cops turned on their lights. The cops took all of them and walked them home. The other kids, from our street, were at the other end of the block. The kids ran TOWARDS the cops. You don't see that often on the West Side.


Esther said...

I'm so glad you're moving!

Scott said...

Me too, because when you call the cops from Delaware Park, they dont' bother to come, as nothing bad ever happens there. . .