Friday, September 29, 2006

Bio doesn't really matter, does it?

It's 1:00 right now. 4 hours until my Bio exam starts. Oddly, I'm not too worried. Maybe because I think I'll do Ok. Maybe because I know I can't really learn anything I'll remember when faced with a question about it on the exam. Maybe because I'm too worried about wetting my pants at the moment but I have the BEST SPOT EVER in the library and I don't know where the bathroom is so I refuse to get up find one until I'm actually on my way to my exam room. There are a ton of people around me also studying Bio, and no one else seems to know (a) what to study, and (2) what they've learned. Besides, Bio isn't going to help me in my chosen profession (will it?) grade here isn't that important. Dental schools will accept me because I did well in culinary school, right?

Seriously, though. This exam is worth 50 pts. The total grade for this class is out of 700 pts. 40 pts. are "subjective," and the TA gives them to you as he/she sees fit. My bio TA likes me (my chem TA? not so much...), so that's pretty much a guarenteed 40 pts. I get 5 extra pts for every pieces of fungi I bring in in a few weeks, and then I can give a presentation with a group of 3 other people for 25 pts. I can make up a bad grade on the first exam while I learn how Dr. Herried tests in no time.

I'm going to take another practice exam, and then maybe calm myself down again with some Panda Watching. Anyone on the UB campus that wants to bring me some good luck food, feel free...I'm in the library in Capen...

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