Monday, September 25, 2006

Moving, again.

A few months ago our landlord told us she was moving to South Carolina. Amy and I freaked out a little bit. Our landlord is a friend, so we don't pay as much as we should for rent. She also looks the other way when Toby eats the floor, as long as we fix it, or when he chews on the wall. She ignores the constant barking (from the dogs) and even takes the dogs out when Amy and I are gone for long periods of time.

So, Amy and I decided we had a few options:
1.) ignore the landlord and wait for her to realize she's not really moving (she does havea history of saying she's moving then deciding the next week she's not)
2.) ignore the landlord thinking she won't sell the house, have her sell the house and we have to move out in the middle of a blizzard and exams in December.
3.) sign a lease and be stuck in the apt. that we like in a neighborhood we hate for a year when we may want to leave earlier. Upside? Rent and dogs are safe.
4.)Wait and see if the landlord does sell the house and hope the new landlord is cool, lets us keep the dogs and the cheap rent with no lease.
5.) find another apartment as nice as this one as cheap that allows pets
6.) buy a house and move when we want to

In Buffalo, if you can get a morgage, you should definitely buy a house. It's as cheap as renting, and you get...well, a house. So, Amy bought a house. She closes Nov. 30th.

Amy works that Saturday, so we're thinking we'll move on Sunday, Dec 3rd. There probably will be a blizzard, but exams don't start until the next week, so it's all good.

The landlord? Decided not to move to South Carolina. But not until after she sold our current house...

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