Wednesday, December 05, 2007

So, although I'm not as busy as Mary, I'm busy. So far this week I've had one exam (just a normal one...not a final one or anything), 1 quiz, and and 5 assignments due. It's only Wednesday. Tomorrow I have another quiz and a final exam (YAY! ONE CLASS DONE!), then one last assignment on Friday, then I'm done except for finals. Which, you know, should be a breeze.

I'm handling all this stress remarkable well, if you ask me. Wanna know how?
Free Rice. It's the best possible way to waste time EVER! I learn words I'll never use and forget about school for a while (well, hours, really), and starving people get grains of rice...Perfect!


Esther said...

Brilliant! I donated 760 grains of rice.

Maryface said...

so if i just played that for an hour.. does that mean i studied for the vocab section of the GREs?