Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wheel Chair for Sale

I was at my parents house today for Father's Day (HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, Dad!) We were all hanging out watching Julia try to walk when I noticed some crayons and a coloring book in one of the baskets under the coffee table. So, I started coloring. My first picture was beautiful, of course. It was of a little angel surrounded by flowers (it was a Precious Moment's coloring book, so every picture was of an angel.) When I flipped the page to color the next picture, I was horrified...the saddest picture in the whole entire world was on the next page!

So of course I colored it. But, really...what's sadder than a handicapped child that's died? AND WHY WOULD YOU PUT A PICTURE OF IT IN A COLORING BOOK???
But am I an amazing colorer or what?


Esther said...

That kid can't catch a break. Even his cloud has patches.

Jen14221 said...

that is one of the funniest things (funny weird, not funny ha-ha) I've seen in a long time.

P.S. Precious Moments kind of suck.