Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm taking an anatomy class. It's very interesting, and I'm enjoying it. I thought I was a little ahead of the class, though, when the prof held up an x-ray of someones head and described what an x-ray was. Then he asked if anyone had ever seen a CAT scan or MRI. I said I had, and told him about the scanner at Dad's office. He was very excited that I had seen CAT scans before and asked all about them. Then he went back to the x-ray and asked if anyone could see anything wrong with it. It was a side view of the person, and the only thing I could see wrong was that their wisdom tooth was way up in their sinus, so that's what I said. The prof frowned, looked back at the screen, and said, "Well, maybe, but I was referring to the fact that the top of his skull is missing..."

That wisdom tooth, though, is really going to cause him problems...

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