Sunday, January 14, 2007

Damn you, Extreme Makeover Home Edition!

Amy and I went to Mom and Dad's house for dinner tonight. We had both saved enough points for the wonderful dinner of smoked turkey breast, squash, and salad (maybe not enough for the wine I drank, the bacon I picked on, or the pistachios I ate while watching mom cook, but, that's what the flex points are for, right?). Anyway, basically out of points for the day, we came home in time for the Simpson, Family Guy, American Dad, etc. BUT NONE OF THOSE SHOWS ARE ON! 24 is. So our choices (despite having 8000 channels) were Bush on 60 Minutes, football, an episode of Monk we've seen a few times, or Extreme Makeover Home Edition. We went with Extreme Makeover. It made me cry. A lot. And crying makes me want to eat. A lot. So we made popcorn. And I ate a lot of it. Then I was over-salted and wanted something sweet. So i ate oreo's. I don't think I've lost any weight this week. I blame Ty Pennington.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I blame Extreme Makeove for making Ty Pennington not hot. Trading spaces Ty was hot.