I know I haven't posted in FOR-EV-ER, but I've really been busy. Seriously, this time. Not like when I normally say I've been busy but really I've just been laying around, watching a lot of daytime TV and occationally going to class. The holidays went WAY to fast. So fast I hardly have any pictures. In fact, the only really good picture I have is from when I had the family over to the house for sushi.
I'm not sure exactly what Mary was doing, but, it makes me laugh.
I'm working for Dad again, which, YAY! makes me very happy, but both offices are further away from the new house (boo!) so I spend a lot more time than I used to in the car, in traffic, normally on Sheridan Dr. On top of that, we're redoing 5 rooms in the house. Well, "we" as in "our friend," mostly. She's doing all the painting, but we have to do all the moving of furniture, which is a lot of work. And we did part of one room all by ourselves. "We," here, means Amy and her dad, mostly. I've driven to Home Depot a lot, though, and taken the dogs out and kept them out of the wet paint (mostly,) and all of that stuff. So, the next few posts will be pictures of the rooms - before and after, so you can compare.