Tuesday, August 29, 2006

not that bad...

So, it only took me 20 minutes to find a parking spot today. And it was only about a mile away from campus. It's a good thing I left the house 2 hours before my class.

I did go to the bookstore. I returned my books and they only gave me a little trouble because the books on the recipt weren't the books I was returning. They were the same books, but I accidentally grabbed the books that were on the OTHER recipt (I had some mailed to me, and some I got from the bookstore...2 of them I got both times...) so I convinced them to let me return them anyway. Then I planned on writing a post about how much I like UB because sometimes there are nice people (like the man who let me return the books). But then I wanted to buy a notebook, a combination lock, and pay my bio lab fees. I grabbed the notebook and the lock and got into the line that went all the way around the store...three times...I finally got to the checkout and told the woman I also needed to pay my lab fees and she said that I had to do that separately. I asked where, and she said I could do it at any of the registers, but I couldn't do it while I was paying for anything else. So I said, well, can't I pay for these, then pay the lab fees separately at this register? She was going to make me get back into line and go all the way through it again. I refused to. I had already waited in line. And I just wanted to buy my notebook and lock and lab fees. And then go to class. So, she finally let me get back at the FRONT of the line, and go to the next open register. OMG, sometimes people are so so stupid. JUST LET ME PAY SEPARATELY! So the rest of the people in line hated me, but I ran out of the bookstore and as far away as fast as I could so that no one could kill me.

While I was waiting to get into my lab I met some kids (much younger than I am, but not 18) from my class. They were nice and are also taking chem and I don't feel so scared now. At least now I have some people to study with and who are kinda in the same place I am.

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