I'm scared to go to school today.
The past week I've been analyzing maps of UB, deciding where I should park, where my classes were, how much time I'd need to get to them, etc. I've actually been very obsessed with it. I decided on the perfect lot. Hochstetter Lot B. And the closer to the loop I could get, the better. Because my first class was at NSC, and my last class was at Knox, so, that's the perfect spot.
Yesterday I left early because I knew I'd need to take extra time to find my classrooms. But, I remembered that there were always parking spots in the Spring Sememster when I went in for my morning class, so I wasn't too worried about that. When I pulled onto campus, though, I realized that my morning class then was at 8, not 9, and there were no parking spaces...anywhere. So I called Esther, panicking, and decided to just park in a metered spot. Yes, I was going to get a ticket. But, I didn't have any change, and I had to get to class. At this point, I'd pay an extra $20 (really at this point, what's another $20 to UB?) to get to class and not feel like I missed something all semester. So, I pulled in to the spot and called Mikey, hoping he'd have some change and could run it over and put it in the meter at some point during the day. No, he didn't. So as we were discussing whether or not UB would ticket me more than once a day (yes, probably, they would), someone pulled out of a non-metered spot behind me. I GOT THE PERFECT PARKING SPOT! So my day went OK. I had all 3 of my classes. They're filled with 18-year-old kids. I felt old. Each one of them is more work than I ever did for any class in Toronto. And I'm a little scared about that. Today I have my first bio lab (normally I have my chem lab from 7:30 to noon on Tuesdays, but it was cancelled for today) at 1. I read it over last night and it's a lot of big words that I'm pretty sure I never heard in 10th grade bio with Mrs. Warzel. But maybe I did...all I remember from that class is Gumbi and passing out or throwing up whenever we had to watch movies with blood in them.
So, yes, I'm scared to go to school today. First of all because I have to find a parking spot at, like, 12:30. Second because I have to go to the bookstore. I hate the bookstore. They sold me 2 of the same books twice, so I'm going to return 2 books. Thirdly, because my lab will be filled with 18-year-olds who had their 10th grade biology class 2 years ago, not 10 years ago, and they probably remember hearing all the big words in the lab. I think maybe I want to be a pastry chef...