Sunday, May 29, 2005

Viagra makes men go blind?

Last week I was at my parents house and I wrote this post:

I'm at mom and dad's house. They have 800 channels, but Mom insists on watching Headline News. I don't know why, since of all the news networks Headline News is my all time least favorite, but, no matter, it's her house, she can decide what to watch. So, during the past two hours I've heard the same 3 stories about 1500 times. One of them is:

Viagra Makes Men Go Blind.

Now, I'm Catholic. I was born Catholic, raised Catholic, got a degree in Christianity and Culture in college. I've learned all of the bible stories, I know all the commandments and the misc. rules, and what will happen if you break those rules and do something bad. Well, I can tell you's not the Viagra pills making men go blind. Next they're going to say Viagra is making hair grow on mens hands...

But then I somehow posted that on Mikey's blog, and had to delete in and wait until I had time to repost it here, on the right blog.

1 comment:

Mike Garvey said...

well, that's the last time I use mom and dad's computer to post anything. if anyone's going to joke about masterbation on my website, it'll be me, dammit.