Monday, February 21, 2005

Yesterday I left for work about 30 minutes early (I had planned on showering and set my alarm so I could, then forgot I was going to shower BEFORE work, since I normally shower at night AFTER work, so I got up and got ready and left...then realized halfway there that I had half an hour to waste...) so I sat in my car (you'd think I could go in and start working half an hour early, but they weren't there to unlock the restaurant until 1, when I was scheduled, so I was stuck waiting in the snow outside or in my car) and talked on the phone. I called Raissa and she told me some great news...kinda. She got a job working for the BC Government, which is great. But that means she has to move to BC (for those of you who went to school in the States and don't know where British Columbia is, it's WAY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF CANADA! Like, right below Alaska...if you don't know where that is, look at a map...but not a map that shows Alaska down by Hawaii, because that's not really where it is.) So, I'm happy for Raissa, but, really, she didn't consult me before taking this job, and that's a little upsetting. Not that I really see her that often (like, once in the past 3 years maybe...) but I always had the option to go see her if I wanted to. Now I don't. Unless I want to fly out to BC and get used to the time difference and then fly back and get used to the time difference all over again. Apparently she didn't really think this through before taking the job. Anyway, I'm happy she got a cool job, and it is only until the end of July...I guess I can forgive her for making a life-altering decision without considering how it would change my life this once, as long as it doesn't happen too often...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Raissa should just come live with you. But please give her a key so she doesn't lose my chicken fingers next time :)