Saturday, February 19, 2005

Working from Home and Being Reviewed

You know how when you get home from work the last thing you want to do is whatever you do at work? Like, I know very few doctors who go home and perform surgery on their families for fun (the ones I know who do that I stay away from...). The students I know don't go home and think...and Esther doesn't patent stuff after work just because she can. So, why did I wake up this morning and make brownies? I don't even want them. I was perfectly happy with the yogurt I had for breakfast (although, really, you can't beat brownies right out of the oven and diet coke for's the breakfast of champions). The really sad thing is that I burned them...You'd think that after 800 hours a week of making various desserts (brownies included), I could make them without burning them. But, no. Not when I have such great distractions like coffee and the internet. I guess that's why Henry won't let us drink coffee at work (that works well, too...we all pay attention to that rule) or bring our computers into the kitchen.

I understand Henry's rules. I even agree with them. If I had my computer in the kitchen I'd never get anything done (but think about all the blogging I could do...). I'd probably burn all the chocolate strudel and turn the anglaise into scrambled eggs. Then, when Janis Okun came in on Thursday night and ordered my chocolate strudel and creme brulee and chocolate fettucini with anglaise sauce and vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce, she wouldn't have been able to eat any of them, and I wouldn't get a good review at all next Friday. Since Henry's there to make rules, though, there's a good chance I'll get a good review. So, everyone look in the Gusto next Friday. If it's good, I made the desserts :) If not, they should fire the pastry chef...

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