Friday, April 07, 2006

My Very Good Day.

Today I drove into the parking lot at school and got a spot in the first row. And it was raining. I knew then that it was going to be a very good day.

While I was driving home after my 1/2 day at work (really 1/3 day, since I got there around 9:30 after school and left around noon), I was hungry and wanted to stop at Mighty Taco. A little voice in my head, though, said, "It's Friday! You can't eat meat!" I was going to ignore it, like I try to do with all the voices in my head, but it kept talking. I started listening when it said, "you got a spot in the first row today." So, I knew God wanted me to really not eat meat (don't ask how I connected those two...they're just connected in my head.) So I skipped Might Taco, but I started to think about why we don't eat meat on Fridays durning Lent. And how we replace it.

From what I remember from my first trip to college, not eating meat on Fridays during Lent is to remind us that Jesus carried the cross and died. It seems like a small price to pay. I don't have to carry a cross around the desert, I don't have to be nailed to it, I don't have to die and come back (although, really, that's what I'm hoping for).) I just have to not eat meat. And think of all the other food I can have. Bread and water...I'm kidding. There's lots of good not-meat food. Mac and Cheese. Cheese Ravioli's. Gnocci with Pesto. French fries. But what do the majority of people choose? Fried fish (I did no actual research on this, by the way...this is just judging by the lines to get a table at any place that has fish frys, and the fact that the 3 out of 3 siblings I spoke to today were having fried fish, as was I, for dinner). I like fried fish. In fact, given the choice, I'll often choose fried fish, or fried seafood of some sort (shrimp, oysters, crab claws...mmmm...) over any type of meat. So, really, is this a sacrafice? No. Not really. Yes, I had to pass Mighty Taco up for lunch, but Filet-O-Fish value meal is pretty good too. And just as healthy.

So, all in all, today was a very good day. A great parking spot, friend fish for 2 meals (if you consider filet-o-fish "fried fish") and no heavy cross to carry through the desert.

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