Monday, February 26, 2007

Yesterday morning (Sunday) I woke up to Amy whispering "You DO NOT want to go downstairs."

My first thought was, "no, I want to go back to sleep. Leave me alone." (I'm not a morning person.)

My second thought was, "Why? What did you do?"

It turns out she didn't do anything. But our furnace was broken and blowing cold air into the house. The temp was down to about 59. That's cold. So Amy called the first heating place in the yellow pages, who told her they didn't have the right part (um, really? 'cause we're not sure what's even wrong with the thing yet...) The second place came and told us what was wrong. Something was broken. We could fix it, but the part would be $800. To fix it we would need to replace another part, too, which would be $300. Add on labor and you may as well buy a new one. They gave us a deal on the new one, didn't charge us for the Sunday visit, and promised to be at our house "first thing" Monday morning. They actually came second thing Monday morning, but since they went to a church first where pipes had frozen and burst on a daycare center, I won't hold it against them. They're my new favorite heating/cooling people. Reimers, I think, is their name. I'm saving to get air conditioning just because I want them to come visit again.

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