Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Productive Day?

This week and next week are my summer vacation. I've taken full advantage of them so far (both days). Monday I slept until 11, showered, and went to the zoo with Mom, Julia, and Mary. Then I went back to Esther and John's to take a nap. It rained pretty hard monday night so the satalite TV was all messed up...stupid satalite. Amy and I watched Family Guy on DVD, though, then went to bed early.

Tuesday I got up early and was at Esther and John's by 9:30 (I had to sacrafice the shower, but I used a lot of perfume). We went to BJ's where I got enough food for the rest of the week (seriously...we eat a lot in this house, and can go through a case of sunflower seeds like it's nothing).

I was back at my house around noon and put away all the groceries, then took a nap. Then I started laundry, but only got so far as to get one load in the dryer and one in the washer. I am SO GOOD at this summer vacation thing.

Today, though, I have to be productive. My TO DO list is about 800 items long (ok, so, I put things like, "wash your hands" on it so I look really busy, but, still). I have to finish all that laundry (both loads) and fold it and put it away. And unpack the bags from this weekend. Charge my cell phone. Unpack the boxes that I hid in the office, hoping that I wouldn't have to really unpack them until I move into a bigger house in a few years. Take Toby to the vet (I think he might have an ear infection...the groomer said his ears were bleeding...) Do the dishes (if I don't, I'll be drinking coffee right out of the pot tomorrow morning.) And, of course, between all of these chores I have to write in my blog, and check all the other blogs, and check my email and play the state game or wash my hands. Or maybe even take a whole shower!

So, I'm going to finish my coffee, maybe have another cup, and then start on my list. I'll let you know how it's going...

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